Lordosis Treatment Exercises: Essential advice you need to know

Nov 15, 2018

Lordosis treatment exercises can flatten the your lumbar spine. They are helped by stretches that loosen the right muscles. If you only perform exercises, muscles remain stiff and don’t reduce the lumbar curve as easily.

Lordosis Treatment Stretches

There are 4 main muscles linked to Lordosis:

  1. Psoas
  2. Iliacus
  3. Rectus Femoris
  4. Adductors

In the tutorial above you’ll learn 3 stretches that target these four muscles. You’ll also learn 3 simple techniques that will help you get the most form these stretches. It’s best to start with stretches so you can take advantage of the “stretch window” when your muscles are loosest. It lasts between 20-30mins before your muscles begin to recoil.

Lordosis Treatment Exercises

Now that your muscles are looser your ready for exercise. Performing exercises will benefit your Lordosis but including extra tips from the tutorial will help you reduce your curve faster.

The exercises you do should achieve 2 things:

  1. Flatten the lumbar curve
  2. Rotate your pelvis

They are closely linked and will happen together and the more you can repeat the specific movements the more chance you have of improving your posture.

The exercises in the tutorial are simple and made to give you the greatest chance of holding a better posture. If exercises are too difficult you might perform them but not get the most from them.

Once you’ve tested the stretches and exercises click here to download a 14-day micro-workout that includes 4 of the best stretches for Lordosis. You’ll also receive two further tutorials that help you get more from the stretches and exercises. The workout guidelines are also included in the download. They’ll show you when to perform the workout, how often and how many reps and sets etc.

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