Core strengthening exercises follow a particular formula and in this tutorial I’ll help you recognize it. Common exercises people believe to strengthen their core are sit-ups, crunches, back extensions and so on. These exercises might strengthen a muscle but it doesn’t mean they’ll strengthen your core.
Common Core Exercises
These exercises do a few things that will eventually reduce your core strength;
These 3 ingredients are a recipe for injury and something to avoid. That’s not to say your never going to move from your spine or use it’s full range of movement. Everyday life will require it at some point but to proactively do it using exercise is a poor choice. Your speeding up the injury process and making it harder to overcome problems like low-back pain.
Core Strengthening Exercises
You’re better off following these 6 important...
Lower back exercises aren’t what you think they are. Many of them can make your back pain worse without you knowing it. The exercises that make it worse are the more popular and common ones.
Back Extension Exercise
Back extensions are a popular exercise used in rehabilitation but a poor choice because of the high compression put on the spine. This force comes from muscle contraction around the spine. It can’t be eliminated but it can be reduced. There are many variations of the back extension. Whether your goal is to overcome back pain or core training all of them should be removed from your workout.
Lower Back Exercises
To overcome low-back pain or increase core fitness these exercises should challenge lower back muscles but reduce compression on the spine. Quality lower back exercise should also focus on the muscles of the hip and override the hamstring muscles.
If you want to find more about these exercises please watch the tutorial above. You’ll...
Lordosis treatment exercises can flatten the your lumbar spine. They are helped by stretches that loosen the right muscles. If you only perform exercises, muscles remain stiff and don’t reduce the lumbar curve as easily.
Lordosis Treatment Stretches
There are 4 main muscles linked to Lordosis:
In the tutorial above you’ll learn 3 stretches that target these four muscles. You’ll also learn 3 simple techniques that will help you get the most form these stretches. It’s best to start with stretches so you can take advantage of the “stretch window” when your muscles are loosest. It lasts between 20-30mins before your muscles begin to recoil.
Lordosis Treatment Exercises
Now that your muscles are looser your ready for exercise. Performing exercises will benefit your Lordosis but including extra tips from the tutorial will help you reduce your curve faster.
The exercises you do should achieve 2 things:
Core muscles are important for a healthy spine, reducing injury risk & sports. They help you at every level of fitness but only a few get the headlines. You’ve probably heard abdominals and maybe oblique’s. These are important core muscles but a small part of a bigger network.
Some important core muscles
Do you know there is a muscle called Quadratus Lumdorum? This is a very important muscle for your spine. Another called Latissimus Dorsi also helps stabilise your spine. These 10 core muscles in the tutorial above are working together to keep you fit and healthy but we don’t always train these muscles together.
Your Core
As I’ve mentioned your core is a network of muscles working together. However the exercises like sit-ups and crunches rarely show this. These exercises work your muscles separately and can hinder your health and fitness. Your core works best when exercises get muscles working together. Simple exercises like the plank and side plank do...
Low-back pain causes can be varied and hard to figure out but there are clues. First there’s a pain trigger, the moment you experience the pain. Second, what created that pain trigger? Many people treat the pain trigger but forget to look into what caused it. The further you can look back into the injury the more likely you’ll overcome low-back pain.
Pain triggers might be;
Trigger Points
A trigger point is a small knot in your muscles. They can cause pain at the site of the trigger point or elsewhere around it. For example; hip trigger points are one of the low back pain causes.
Muscle Tension and Stiffness
This is where a muscle remains partly contracted for a prolonged period of time. It’s normally caused by overusing the muscle and can lead to back pain. Trigger points are different because are small knots within the muscle rather than the whole muscle.
Nucleus Pulpous touching your...
Exercises to reduce Lordosis are essential because they are used to flatten the curve of your lumbar spine. Stretches make your hips muscles looser so you’re able to flatten your lumbar curve. Making Exercises and stretches together the best formula.
How to select the best exercises to reduce Lordosis
You actively flatten your lumbar curve
Your spine won’t flatten itself; it learns good posture just like it learns poor posture. Lordosis doesn’t happen overnight it will come on gradually and it’s the same for correcting it. The more you perform exercises that flatten your lumbar curve, the greater chance you have correcting it. This is why they are essential.
Do you want to correct your Lordosis? Click Here to to start my How to Correct Lordosis 12-Week Online Program. Us the code BLOG10 to get 10% off
You actively reposition your pelvis
Your pelvis is...
Core strength is considered an important part of physical health and fitness. It’s the foundation, as you are only as strong as your core. You may have seen many people lifting heavy weights but in many cases their core isn’t strong enough and eventually they’ll injure. They can lift these weights because they have very strong arm and legs but their core is left behind. This leaves them with a weaker foundation and a higher risk of injury.
In the tutorial above you’ll learn how to build a stronger core that’s healthier and fitter. You’ll learn this from 4 main points:
Definition of core strength
It’s important to learn the definition of core strength because it helps you understand what exercises to do and how to do them.
Simple anatomy of your core
There are a few fundamentals that add to the definition. It’s the next layer of...
Exercise for low-back pain is as important as massage or other therapies. In this blog I want to show you how to get exercise right because so many get it wrong. You’ve probably heard the saying “practice makes perfect”, well it’s not the case. Correct practice makes correct practice and incorrect practice makes incorrect practice.
Basically what I’m saying is, you can practice something wrong. This is generally the case for exercise for low back pain. Many people think that doing exercise is right but for low back pain it’s about how you do it. There are a couple of areas to get right and they are:
Selecting the right exercises
The right exercises for low back pain minimise pressure on the low back, not eliminate pressure. The exercises want to activate areas of the core not single muscles.
Exercises that are out include:
Lumbar Lordosis exercises are an essential part of your correction program. They work together with stretches to help loosen the muscles of your hip and correct spine posture. The specific exercises you do are important but performing them correctly is essential.
Purpose of lumbar Lordosis exercises
Many people use exercises to strengthen muscles and some therapists think this is the case for Lordosis. I have worked with many strong people with posture problem and they don’t need to get stronger. They need to loosen muscles with stretching and the use exercises to reposition their spine and pelvis with exercises.
How to Flatten your Spine
Your focus during the exercises is to reposition your spine and you need to make this as easy as possible. There is one fundamental technique you’ll learn from the tutorial above that you use during all exercises. It’s the first thing to master and then add exercises on top. The exercises you use need to be easy to start...
8 of the best core exercises
The best core exercises are the ones that use your core correctly. By putting these exercises together in a workout you'll benefit even more. If you can progress these workouts over a number of weeks your core fitness can go to the next level.
Poor core exercises
On the flip side, the best core exercises rarely focus on one muscle like a sit up or crunch. They tend not to fatigue the core muscles completely and rarely bend or twist your spine.
Starting the best core exercises
Like with learning anything new, start simple, even if you're experienced. There's more to do than just complete the exercise. Focus on how you're doing the exercise, the muscles being used and your posture. The exercises in the tutorial above help you do this.
Fatiguing your core muscles is outdated and can be detrimental in the long run. Laying a foundation like this helps you reduce your risk of injury and increase your fitness.
What you'll learn
In the tutorial above I'll walk...
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